Let your innovation Hatch

WWT exemption for R&D workers
This fiscal incentive enables businesses to reach up to 80% savings on wage withholding tax payments for employees involved in innovative projects.
Organisations involved in basic research, applied research, and experimental development, as well as involved in projects that are subject to partnership agreements with European institutions or universities can benefit from this scheme.
In order to secure the full benefits of this fiscal incentive, Hatchiv Consulting provides complete support for technical requirements and administrative burdens :
Employee eligibility assessment.
Project eligibility assessment conforming to the OECD, Frascati Manual criteria.
Register on the online portal of the Belgian Public Service for Science Policy Programming (BELSPO) with R&D project data.
Innovation Income Deduction
This fiscal incentive enables businesses to retain 85% of net innovation income deducted for corporate tax purposes.
Hatchiv Consulting methodology :
Assess and valorise the Intellectual Property rights portfolio of your organisation (Patents, Data exclusivity or market exclusivity, Computer software protected by copyright…).
Identify the R&D costs associated with IP income, in order to determine and calculate an optimal Nexus ratio.
Secure the implementation by a ruling from the Advance Tax Ruling Service to be introduced before the end of January of the year N for the year N-1.
Implementation of the results in your tax return.
Annual calculation according to the methodology validated during the Ruling.
Hatchiv Consulting supports your organisation thanks to a strong methodology that ensures the application of a complex and time-consuming measure is secure over time.

Tax deductions for R&D investments
This fiscal incentive enables businesses to deduct 13.5% of investments to innovative and/or energy reducing projects. The challenge is to accurately identify the eligible expenses :
Eco-responsible investment linked to an R&D project.
Opex for investments in patent costs.
Energy-saving investments.
Following similar conditions as the investment deduction, a tax credit can be applied. If not deducted during 5 consecutive years, there is a guaranteed cash reimbursement that can be carried forward. It allows a company to have the same benefit as an investment deduction even in the case of an insufficient taxable basis
In order to secure the full benefits of this fiscal incentive, Hatchiv Consulting provides complete support for technical requirements and administrative burden.